
Keeping track of daily prayer times in busytling city life is very challenging. Whether you're a resident, traveling or just visiting Novossibirsk. Discover today's Salat times, the upcoming week, Salat and link to extensive schedules tailored for Novossibirsk. Islamic Mate provides the most accurate daily prayer times for Novossibirsk, including Fajr, Dhuhr, Asr, Maghrib, and Isha.

Novossibirsk, Oblast de Novossibirsk, Russie
Novosibirsk Local Time
11 mars, 2025
Fajr Fajr
5:52 am
Sunrise Sunrise
7:54 am
Dhuhr Dhuhr
1:38 pm
Asr Asr
4:38 pm
Maghrib Maghrib
7:24 pm
Isha Isha
9:19 pm
Calculaton Method
Jurisdic Method
HighLats Method
Prayer Settings
Prayer Times
Fajr 5:52 am
Sunrise 7:54 am
Dhuhr 1:38 pm
Asr 4:38 pm
Maghrib 7:24 pm
Isha 9:19 pm
Midnight 1:39 am
Hanafi Prayer Times in Sharjah Today
Fajr 5:52 am
Sunrise 7:54 am
Dhuhr 1:38 pm
Asr 5:24 pm
Maghrib 7:24 pm
Isha 9:19 pm
Midnight 1:39 am

Prayer Times for Next 7 Days

In this table you can see weekly prayer time in Novossibirsk for next 7 days.

Date Hijri Date Fajr Dhuhr Asr Maghrib Isha
10/09/1446 5:52 am 1:38 pm 4:38 pm 7:24 pm 9:19 pm
11/09/1446 5:52 am 1:38 pm 4:38 pm 7:24 pm 9:19 pm
12/09/1446 5:52 am 1:38 pm 4:38 pm 7:24 pm 9:19 pm
13/09/1446 5:52 am 1:38 pm 4:38 pm 7:24 pm 9:19 pm
14/09/1446 5:52 am 1:38 pm 4:38 pm 7:24 pm 9:19 pm
15/09/1446 5:52 am 1:38 pm 4:38 pm 7:24 pm 9:19 pm
16/09/1446 5:52 am 1:38 pm 4:38 pm 7:24 pm 9:19 pm

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Prayer / Salat is “Islamic Worship”, It is one of the five basic pillars of Islam. It has different names like صلاة‎, ‏صلوات‎, نماز, Namaz, Solat in different parts of the world. It is the most important and essential duty of Muslims all over the world to perform 5 prayers a Day.

Today's prayer times in Novossibirsk

Prayer time today on 12 mars, 2025 about the Hijri date of 12 Ramadan, 1446 ه in Novossibirsk, Russie. All times are calculated based on Russie standard time;

  • Fajr 5:52 am
  • Dhuhr 1:38 pm
  • Asr 4:38 pm
  • Maghrib 7:24 pm
  • Isha 9:19 pm