
Muslims accross Nauru seek accurate prayer times to schedule their day and maintain their islamic duty. Recognizing this need, Islamic Mate provides precise Salah / Namaz Times for major cities in Nauru and an extensive list of every city within its borders.

Prayer times table for Dec. 1, 2024, Sunday, related to 29 Jumada Al-Awwal, 1446 Hijri in Nauru

CITY Fajr Sunrise Dhuhr Asr Maghrib Isha
Yaren 5:23 am 6:37 am 12:41 pm 4:06 pm 6:46 pm 7:56 pm
Anabar 5:22 am 6:37 am 12:41 pm 4:06 pm 6:46 pm 7:56 pm
Anibare 5:22 am 6:37 am 12:41 pm 4:06 pm 6:46 pm 7:56 pm
Baiti 5:23 am 6:37 am 12:41 pm 4:06 pm 6:46 pm 7:56 pm
Ijuw 5:22 am 6:37 am 12:41 pm 4:06 pm 6:46 pm 7:56 pm
Uaboe 5:23 am 6:37 am 12:41 pm 4:06 pm 6:46 pm 7:56 pm
Yangor 5:23 am 6:37 am 12:41 pm 4:07 pm 6:46 pm 7:56 pm

All Cities in Nauru

For those living outside these major cities or traveling within Nauru, we've got you covered. Dive deep into our Comprehensive City List to find the specific Salah times for any city.