
Qibla Direction From Guadalupe, Sao Tome and Principe

Base Compass Compass Handle
CITY Guadalupe
country Sao Tome and Principe
Latitude, Longitude 0.37917, 6.63750
Latitude Longitude DMS 0º0'0.00"N, 6º0'0.00"E
Time 05:27 AM
Distance 4292.7988km
Qibla Angle from Guadalupe 54.75424
Qibla Angle from Guadalupe 54° 45' 15''
Time Now Mecca 08:27 AM
Kaba Latitude Longitude 21.4225, 39.826185
Kaba Latitude Longitude DMS 21º25'21.00"N, 21º25'21.00"E

Qibla in Other Cities of Sao Tome and Principe

CITY Distance from Mecca Qibla Angle Qibla Angle
Sao Tome 4287.3869km 54.64613 54° 38' 46''
Santo Antonio 4141.3539km 55.52158 55° 31' 17''