Muslims accross Arnavutluk seek accurate prayer times to schedule their day and maintain their islamic duty. Recognizing this need, Islamic Mate provides precise Salah / Namaz Times for major cities in Arnavutluk and an extensive list of every city within its borders.
Prayer times table for 01 Aralık 2024, Pazar, related to 29 Jumada al-Evvel, 1446 Hicri in Arnavutluk
CITY | Fajr | Sunrise | Dhuhr | Asr | Maghrib | Isha |
Tiran | 5:09 am | 6:47 am | 11:30 am | 1:54 pm | 4:12 pm | 5:45 pm |
Berat | 5:08 am | 6:45 am | 11:29 am | 1:55 pm | 4:13 pm | 5:45 pm |
Durres | 5:10 am | 6:49 am | 11:31 am | 1:55 pm | 4:14 pm | 5:46 pm |
Elbasan | 5:08 am | 6:46 am | 11:29 am | 1:53 pm | 4:12 pm | 5:44 pm |
Fier | 5:09 am | 6:47 am | 11:31 am | 1:56 pm | 4:15 pm | 5:47 pm |
Gjirokaster | 5:06 am | 6:43 am | 11:29 am | 1:56 pm | 4:14 pm | 5:45 pm |
Görice | 5:04 am | 6:41 am | 11:26 am | 1:52 pm | 4:10 pm | 5:42 pm |
Kukes | 5:08 am | 6:47 am | 11:27 am | 1:49 pm | 4:07 pm | 5:42 pm |
Leş | 5:10 am | 6:49 am | 11:31 am | 1:53 pm | 4:11 pm | 5:45 pm |
Peshkopi | 5:07 am | 6:46 am | 11:27 am | 1:50 pm | 4:09 pm | 5:42 pm |
İşkodra | 5:11 am | 6:51 am | 11:31 am | 1:53 pm | 4:11 pm | 5:45 pm |
Vlore | 5:09 am | 6:46 am | 11:31 am | 1:57 pm | 4:16 pm | 5:48 pm |
All Cities in Arnavutluk
For those living outside these major cities or traveling within Arnavutluk, we've got you covered. Dive deep into our Comprehensive City List to find the specific Salah times for any city.
Prayer time in Gostime
Elbasan County
Prayer time in Gose e Madhe
Prayer time in Grabjan
Fier County
Prayer time in Gracen
Elbasan County
Prayer time in Gradishte
Fier County
Prayer time in Gramsh
Elbasan County
Prayer time in Grekan
Elbasan County
Prayer time in Greshice
Fier County
Prayer time in Grude-Fushe
Shkoder County
Prayer time in Gruemire
Shkoder County
Prayer time in Guri i Bardhe
Berat County
Prayer time in Guri i Zi
Shkoder County
Prayer time in Gurra e Vogel
Diber County
Prayer time in Germenj i Madh
Fier County
Prayer time in Hajmel
Shkoder County
Prayer time in Hasan
Durres County
Prayer time in Havaleas
Berat County
Prayer time in Hekal
Fier County
Prayer time in Helmas
Prayer time in Himare
Vlore County
Prayer time in Hinge
Berat County
Prayer time in Hot
Shkoder County
Prayer time in Hotolisht
Elbasan County
Prayer time in Hocisht
Korce County
Prayer time in Hysgjokaj
Fier County
Prayer time in Iballe
Shkoder County
Prayer time in Ishem
Durres County
Prayer time in Kajan
Elbasan County
Prayer time in Kakavije
Gjirokaster County
Prayer time in Kalenje
Fier County
Prayer time in Kalis
Kukes County
Prayer time in Kallmet
Prayer time in Kallmeti i Madh
Lezhe County
Prayer time in Kamez
Prayer time in Kapinove
Berat County
Prayer time in Karbunara e Vogel
Fier County
Prayer time in Kardhiq
Gjirokaster County
Prayer time in Karine
Elbasan County
Prayer time in Kashar
Prayer time in Kastrat
Shkoder County
Prayer time in Kastriot
Diber County
Prayer time in Katundi i Ri
Durres County
Prayer time in Kavalye
Prayer time in Kacinar
Lezhe County
Prayer time in Klos
Elbasan County
Prayer time in Klos
Diber County
Prayer time in Kodovjat
Elbasan County
Prayer time in Koder-Vore
Prayer time in Kokaj
Kukes County
Prayer time in Kolonje
Fier County
Prayer time in Kolsh
Kukes County
Prayer time in Kolc
Lezhe County