Muslims accross İsrail seek accurate prayer times to schedule their day and maintain their islamic duty. Recognizing this need, Islamic Mate provides precise Salah / Namaz Times for major cities in İsrail and an extensive list of every city within its borders.
Prayer times table for 04 Aralık 2024, Çarşamba, related to 03 Jumada al-Thani, 1446 Hicri in İsrail
CITY | Fajr | Sunrise | Dhuhr | Asr | Maghrib | Isha |
Ariel | 4:58 am | 6:25 am | 11:30 am | 2:16 pm | 4:34 pm | 5:56 pm |
Beerşeba | 4:58 am | 6:24 am | 11:31 am | 2:19 pm | 4:38 pm | 5:59 pm |
Hayfa | 5:00 am | 6:27 am | 11:30 am | 2:15 pm | 4:33 pm | 5:56 pm |
Kudüs | 4:57 am | 6:24 am | 11:29 am | 2:16 pm | 4:35 pm | 5:57 pm |
Nasıra | 4:58 am | 6:26 am | 11:29 am | 2:14 pm | 4:32 pm | 5:55 pm |
Ramla | 4:59 am | 6:26 am | 11:31 am | 2:17 pm | 4:36 pm | 5:58 pm |
Tel Aviv | 5:00 am | 6:26 am | 11:31 am | 2:17 pm | 4:36 pm | 5:58 pm |
All Cities in İsrail
For those living outside these major cities or traveling within İsrail, we've got you covered. Dive deep into our Comprehensive City List to find the specific Salah times for any city.
Prayer time in Qiryat Yam
Hayfa Bölgesi
Prayer time in Qiryat Ye'arim
Prayer time in Qiryat 'Eqron
Central District
Prayer time in Qoranit
Northern District
Prayer time in QvutsatYavne
Central District
Prayer time in Ra'anana
Central District
Prayer time in Rahat
Southern District
Prayer time in Ram On
Northern District
Prayer time in Rama
Northern District
Prayer time in RamatDavid
Northern District
Prayer time in Ramat Gan
Tel Aviv
Prayer time in Ramat HaKovesh
Central District
Prayer time in Ramat HaSharon
Tel Aviv
Prayer time in Ramat HaShofet
Northern District
Prayer time in Ramat Magshimim
Northern District
Prayer time in RamatTsevi
Northern District
Prayer time in Ramat Yishay
Northern District
Prayer time in Ramat Yohanan
Hayfa Bölgesi
Prayer time in Ramla
Central District
Prayer time in Ramot
Northern District
Prayer time in Ramot Menashe
Northern District
Prayer time in Rannen
Southern District
Prayer time in Raqqefet
Northern District
Prayer time in Ras 'Ali
Northern District
Prayer time in Regba
Northern District
Prayer time in Rekhasim
Hayfa Bölgesi
Prayer time in Reshafim
Northern District
Prayer time in Retamim
Southern District
Prayer time in Revadim
Southern District
Prayer time in Revaha
Southern District
Prayer time in Revivim
Southern District
Prayer time in Rehovot
Central District
Prayer time in Rinnatya
Central District
Prayer time in Rishon LeTsiyyon
Central District
Prayer time in Rishpon
Central District
Prayer time in Rihaniya
Northern District
Prayer time in Rosh Ha'Ayin
Central District
Prayer time in Rosh Pinna
Northern District
Prayer time in Rumat Heib
Northern District
Prayer time in Rummana
Northern District
Prayer time in Ruhama
Southern District
Prayer time in Safed
Northern District
Prayer time in Sakhnin
Northern District
Prayer time in Sallama
Northern District
Prayer time in Sarid
Northern District
Prayer time in Savyon
Central District
Prayer time in Sa'ad
Southern District
Prayer time in Sa'ar
Northern District
Prayer time in Sde Dawid
Southern District
Prayer time in Sde Eliyyahu
Northern District
Prayer time in Sde Eli'ezer
Northern District