Muslims accross Denmark seek accurate prayer times to schedule their day and maintain their islamic duty. Recognizing this need, Islamic Mate provides precise Salah / Namaz Times for major cities in Denmark and an extensive list of every city within its borders.
Prayer times table for Dec. 3, 2024, Tuesday, related to 02 Jumada Al-Thani, 1446 Hijri in Denmark
CITY | Fajr | Sunrise | Dhuhr | Asr | Maghrib | Isha |
Copenhagen | 6:01 am | 8:18 am | 12:00 pm | 1:25 pm | 3:41 pm | 5:51 pm |
Aalborg | 6:14 am | 8:38 am | 12:10 pm | 1:28 pm | 3:42 pm | 5:59 pm |
Hillerod | 6:02 am | 8:21 am | 12:01 pm | 1:25 pm | 3:40 pm | 5:52 pm |
Soro | 6:04 am | 8:21 am | 12:04 pm | 1:31 pm | 3:46 pm | 5:55 pm |
Vejle | 6:13 am | 8:31 am | 12:12 pm | 1:37 pm | 3:53 pm | 6:03 pm |
Viborg | 6:15 am | 8:36 am | 12:12 pm | 1:34 pm | 3:48 pm | 6:02 pm |
All Cities in Denmark
For those living outside these major cities or traveling within Denmark, we've got you covered. Dive deep into our Comprehensive City List to find the specific Salah times for any city.
Prayer time in Klarup
North Denmark
Prayer time in Klemensker
Capital Region
Prayer time in Klitmoller
North Denmark
Prayer time in Kloster
Central Jutland
Prayer time in Knabstrup
Prayer time in Knebel
Central Jutland
Prayer time in Kokkedal
Capital Region
Prayer time in Kolding
South Denmark
Prayer time in Kolt
Central Jutland
Prayer time in Kongens Lyngby
Capital Region
Prayer time in Korsor
Prayer time in Krusa
South Denmark
Prayer time in Kundby
Prayer time in Kvistgard
Capital Region
Prayer time in Kas
North Denmark
Prayer time in Koge
Prayer time in Langeskov
South Denmark
Prayer time in Langa
Central Jutland
Prayer time in Lejre
Prayer time in Lemvig
Central Jutland
Prayer time in Lille Skensved
Prayer time in Lillerod
Capital Region
Prayer time in Lind
Central Jutland
Prayer time in Lisbjerg
Central Jutland
Prayer time in Liseleje
Capital Region
Prayer time in Lumby
South Denmark
Prayer time in Lundby Stationsby
Prayer time in Lunderskov
South Denmark
Prayer time in Lynge
Capital Region
Prayer time in Lystrup
Central Jutland
Prayer time in Lystrup
Central Jutland
Prayer time in Lasby
Central Jutland
Prayer time in Logstrup
Central Jutland
Prayer time in Logstor
North Denmark
Prayer time in Logten
Central Jutland
Prayer time in Logumkloster
South Denmark
Prayer time in Lojt Kirkeby
South Denmark
Prayer time in Lokken
North Denmark
Prayer time in Lonstrup
North Denmark
Prayer time in Losning
Central Jutland
Prayer time in Malling
Central Jutland
Prayer time in Mariager
North Denmark
Prayer time in Maribo
Prayer time in Marielyst
Prayer time in Marstal
South Denmark
Prayer time in Mern
Prayer time in Middelfart
South Denmark
Prayer time in Muleby
Capital Region
Prayer time in Munkebo
South Denmark
Prayer time in Malov
Capital Region
Prayer time in Marslet
Central Jutland
Prayer time in Nagelsti